AITA for walking out of a job interview?
Norovirus cases are surging in parts of the US, CDC data shows
Took this a few days ago at work. We’ve been getting some big ones lately.
How fun is Seperate Ways DLC?
My wife is done.
Brendan Fraser Says Darren Aronofsky Was Looking for ‘an Actor Who Hadn’t Been Seen in a While’ for ‘The Whale’ ‘and That Was Me’
RE4 remake Separate Ways - omg!
What do you all think about They Live?
I actually like the combat in this game
Which games give you that sense of going away from home for the first time?
Looks like both Rosen and Locke wins the title of "Uhhh... what's your name again?". So anyways, which DS character is the Gremlin.
AITJ for snapping at my sister when she tried taking my son due to her infertility?
When did you first notice there was more to Alice than it seemed?
Gotta say, the twist at the end really caught me off guard
Revenge on a hacker
AITA for Refusing to Let My Brother’s Family Move In After He Evicted Me Years Ago?
Just fell for an elaborate scam and I'm honestly more impressed than mad (Thailand tailor scam)
As someone who LOVED Dead Space 1, and thought 2 was pretty OK, is Callisto Protocol worth a playthrough if the game is free through Epic Games?
Looking for friends!
Honestly, who is your favorite gun manufacturer?
“Name this band with 4 words or less”
Moving from out of state and signed a lease virtually in this general area.
My dad was hearing cracking noises and this happened
TIFU by thinking it was safe to pass gas in an area NOBODY goes thru at work