How Should the First Comic Event of Energon Universe be Like?
Marvel you need to stop this old lady erasure
If B-127 Met Cliffjumper
(Loved Trope) “Rule of Cool” Character Ideas
The hardest line on immortal hulk
If you were cyclops and they were about to fight how would you stop it?
First name
How do you interpret the convoy rank?
There absolutely was something happening that night and it involved a lot of snakes.
Any thoughts on who will be cast?
Forget Spider-Man, Hulk and Wolverine, this is the true Marvel Trinity
Harlivy and it's consequences have been a disaster for the Gotham City Siren's team dynamic
Favorite part of this documentary?
How and when do think Snake Eyes will be introduced in the EU?
If there is gonna be another game, what would you want it to be like?
I had a stroke reading this hero one liner from paul's girlfriend
Rename your favorite transformers as a clickbait title
Rename your favorite Metal Gear game as a clickbait title.
When a character, who isn’t ment to be Autistic, accidentally ends up being pretty good Autism Representation.
Lockjaw has a Thing toy! (From War of Kings #3)
When the antagonist is a reflection of what the protagonist could've been
What did Cloak promise to Dagger?
Pick one to be the president of America
Where do you Wanna Andrea Milana(the Artist on Cobra Commander Comic Book Miniseries) Draw next in Energon Universe?
Anyone Else Wonder What Dark Energon Tastes Like?