What made you gain a significant amount of weight?
What body lotion or moisturizer do you recommend?
What are your skincare routines?
What ages a person REALLY quickly ?
How can I get more body confident before the summer?
Best book you read in 2024
What TV show has/had the best theme song?
What are your new year goals?
How often do you give and receive compliments?
what TV series could you rewatch over and over?
What daily torture do you live with ?
Is there a word you just HATE?
What’s your favorite girl name?
What’s a food you will never eat again?
How has 2025 already disappointed you?
How will you spend your first day of 2025?
Tell me three of your favorite things and I will recommend you a book!
[Serious] What is your goal for yourself in 2025?
Where were you 25 years ago on New Year's Eve 1999?
How many books do you read in a year?
Just finished reading The Wrong Sister by Claire Douglas. What should I read next?
What healthy routines would you recommend?
What foods do we think is healthy but actually it isnt?
What do you look forward to in 2025?
what is the best feeling in the world?