Wann Switch 2 Ankündigung?
what’s your favorite outfit. i’ll start first :)
Report: Assassin's Creed Black Flag Remake Will Be More Than a Visual Upgrade, New Systems Mentioned
Best Onigri in the city?
I did no research about Dualsense before grabbing the PS5
Eigenheim jemals wieder Bezahlbar?
AfD Karlsruhe wirbt mit „Abschiebetickets“ für Migranten im Wahlkampf
Did Spider-Man 2 live up to the hype for you? If yes or no, why?
Bandit Mk2 - Xtra trashy edition
Rare Mount - Dark Legacy Comics #934
Ich kann das alles nicht mehr
Red Panda Palico (hopefully the lack of black fur will be covered by armor)
Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #29
‘The Flash’ Director Andy Muschietti Says the Film Flopped Because ‘It Wasn’t a Movie That Appealed to the Four-Quadrants. It Failed at That’
Who else is excited for Seikret Customization? Here are some ideas for inspiration
Has this been done before? It's probably been done before.
Migrationspolitik: Schluss mit der Naivität
Where to build houses best?
Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre … (2021-2025)
Diese 6 iPhone Tricks erleichtern deinen Alltag
AC Shadows has been delayed
Lost My Only Male Cherry Shrimp – Can Females Store Sperm?
They don't know I am not a Death Knight
Assassin’s Creed Shadows now releases March 20, 2025.
A little tease from Sean in the latest NMS notes