Be honest, when is the last time you hugged your Dad?
Which game blew you away with it's visuals?
What's your unpopular UK opinion? My one is the weather is brilliant.
Screw the scalpers, wait long enough and you can win, finally got a disc drive direct from Sony
I don’t want a media wall. What are my options?
My dad was tail-slapped in the groin by a fish
New to the ST machines... This appears to be an older 520ST model. I'm told I can't use "standard" DIN13 to SCART cables bc there's no sync signal present. Is there a just no RGB out for it? If so, how does it output to the SC1224 monitor?
How the PS5 Pro Brought Me Back to Gaming After 10 Years
What the hell is wrong with some people
The world is a f*cking prison and we are all pretending it’s normal
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
Why do flies rub their hands together so mischievously?? It looks like they’re plotting something evil..
Life is difficult, here’s the secret
Why do doctors pass off physical health issues as mental health?
What a view!
People are mean 😞on Reddit
My half sister is abusing the family cat.
People that stare
Max Payne
Don’t like what Zuckerberg is doing now?
Just been to view a semi detached I am interested in the property but my parents are put of by these cracks. Should I be concerned? I also drew a picture on back as there is an extension that was built with the house. The orange is the cracks What causes cracks like these in brick work?
What would you tell your 20 y.o self?
I flew to space. On foot. #elite #elitedangerousodyssey #space
How bad is this chimney and how much would it cost to repair?
Bloody Sunday