Wife gets the "Ick" about sex...
Having a wife with depression feels like being married to one of those awful husbands you read about of so many parent groups.
dealing with depressive partner???
Finding healthy ways to cope with a natural decline in sex after children
Why does the house need to be spotless whenever guests come over?
It's really fucking hard sometimes.
Wife stonewalls and is mean and snappy when depressed.
Please Share Your Success Stories or What Helped You
I’m thinking about asking him to move out.
partner is very unwell and waiting for therapy
Should I tell my wife that in order for her to lose weight she actually needs to eat less?
Having a spouse with depression is really really hard
Husband has little to no sex drive.
What do I say to my wife?
On a break
My wife lost her mother, I feel like I have lost my wife
She's introduced the pillows.
Back in a spiral
Does anyone get jealous of their partner and their need to relax?
All I want for Father's Day is a BJ
Starting to resent her
How much time does your wife need to get ready?
We didn’t consummate our marriage on the night of our wedding.
What’s your tantrum policy for toddlers?