I am a ball earth like most people on this sub, but I have a question: why is there this contradiction?
Sick to my stomach right now
Dwarfs VS Dwarves
This is evil. Now he is building concentration camp!!
Sounds legit
What do you think Russell Crowe's 2nd best movie outside of Gladiator is?
Priorities must be set
I'm still scarred from it, even 25 years later
Giving political angle to a space mission failure is disgusting
Work smarter, not harder 😆
Saw this on the London Underground earlier. What are your thoughts on this?
Question about the Mercedes-Benz G 500
Is my valve defective?
What a loser
Questions for someone owning an original complete 8094 Control Center
What do you guys love most about the Cybertruck?
The best car I’ve ever owned or driven, and it’s not even close.
I think it needs an alignment
TIL that cyclists in a peloton (tight bunch of riders) can see reductions in drag of 90% or more, leading to huge energy savings
What do you do for a living?
What's the outcome?
And so it begins
1967 C-Form Concept by Colani
What's yours?