Besides Darth Vitiate, How one of these sith would've rule as sith emperor?
4000+ hours in, never knew this
Best Villain for a Han main?
Why is HvV so toxic?
Most charismatic force user?
The game is so much better when you spam Stealth and don't waste time fighting trash mobs
still wish these early on romances weren't locked to f/m :(
Returning player here. Opinion, but changing all the old class trainers to being named Just makes the game look beyond trashy.
This is another of my works of art. A reward house confirming the capture of its prey.
Am I the only one?
Rate my lightsaber design
Why I Will Always Be Loyalist
Lines that live rent free in you head because of the line and delivery
Flash Sale for January 15th, 2025: Prime Centurion's Vibroblade, 1050CCs
Guys, nothing will replace the old days.
Miranda by madeleineink
What Warcraft related hill are you prepared to die on?
What are your views on the Volus race?
Need RB advice
Nico Collins is the first link in a chain that will inevitably result in me losing the league.
You are the last Cerberus agent on the Citadel, which crew member would you not want to be chased by. they will not stop until you are dead
Still such a powerful quote
What is Mass Effect's best gun, and why is it the Mattock?
Story Rich Game...
Nah, I quit