What happened to london/major city clubs
Looking for online resource for damage data
Advanced techniques for attacking Blackheart?
The dangers of the pendulum swing
What’s a seemingly small red flag that actually tells you a lot about a person?
Jake Invited Joey and Tris for a Casual Live-Streamed Discussion.
Do you think 2025 will be the final year for GameXplain?
What’s the weirdest thing you believed as a kid that you didn’t realize was ridiculous until you got older?
If it were socially acceptable, would you run/jog everywhere?
it's said that "time heals all wounds", but what does time not heal?
Which game to pick up?
Which games/genres do you just not get at all?
What should you be doing every day, but you don’t?
What video game do you remember enjoying that hardly anyone ever seems to mention these days?
what food you hate that everyone else loves?
I don't care what anyone says, this game is more fun than ST.
Who’s the better character?
What’s the dumbest argument you’ve ever had?
You only have one video game to play for the rest of your life. What'd you choose ?
Death battle in a forest. Everyone only has their bow and 25 regular arrows. Who's winning?
I am the bad roommate
Who's winning this and why?
What is the biggest compliment you can give someone?
Coworker has the lore all wrong, thinks he knows it well
What's a trend you are sad that it died out?