[Discussion] Are scavs coded to know I'm aiming at them?
How much storage is too much?
Same Name Same Family?
This is why Charisma matters in Wasteland exploration
What do you use as your first room next to the vault door? Aesthetics or functionality?
BIDA weil ich alkoholische Getränke vor der Haustür lagere?
Try to fix or start over? [Question]
Is this the right addon?
[Question] - Does Endurance and Strength help a dweller In combat?
SPECIAL inheritance and "super" children (Vault-tec Mechanics followup)
Poke the wasps?
I can't delete baracks. [Question]
[Question] best stats for wasteland explorers?
This is tearing me apart
Pve being insanely difficult compared to pvp [Discussion]
How do I change the camera angle?
Is there any way to up the gamespeed in ZT1?
Which scopes should I keep? I'm fairly new so I only really kept the ones worth more
Bugged Thread after Rage
Hashienda useless for selling?
New update goes crazyyy
Has LEDX crafting been removed from the game?
A tool for downloading entire SoundCloud playlists into a single zip file
When you start stacking master engineers
I'm that guy who couldn't beat Margit @ level 90. Still enjoying the game. Best $60 bucks I've ever spent. No regrets. Never "got gud" (at one point one has to "git gud" but Meh! I just grinded the levels and weapons)