Prime1 Studio Slan on Throne
You could Choose 3 of these Lines to Become Epic Collections This Year, Which Do You Pick?
Do you think the internet has ruined the perception of 2B as a character?
Hate sellers who suddenly decide to price increase
Its finally arrived!
Who's support kyouka ?? ( I am really confused 😕)
What parts can you salvage from this
Arkham Saga
I hate fbm people so damned much sometimes
“Our country commits genocide, invaded its neighbors and chants racist songs but we are progressive because I can get drunk and walk home at 1 AM”
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Need help finding the last three chests
DC added a handful of TPB/HC from current runs on PRH
Whale and new manga release
Is this enough book gore to request a refund?
The Durara Anime has turned 15 crazy deal rm for Simonson thor
Which Batman Hot take has you like this?
Aw Hell No!
Trudeau quits... OICs & bans
A shitty Judeau “cosplay” made in 5 minutes out of random clothes I own
Anyone else pissed off that vol 3 is badly out of print and DC does not seem to care about reprinting it any time soon?
Your birth month is which character you'd end up being the Slave of