How would you rank season 1?
What's something most people don't realize will kill you in seconds?
I enjoy loose tea, but it is so frustrating to clean out the infusers. Anyone have any tips?
What really fucked you up from your childhood?
boyfriend m19, is upset with me f18, for falling asleep otp
Movies about Unexpected Revenge
Is 30s considered old?
Best show with 2 seasons. Maximum 3.
What's something you see many people do, that you'll never do?
What are your favorite Badass Bree moments?
First movie that pops into your head when you see Brad Pitt
Book explanation- Can someone who has read The Deception trilogy by Rina Kent explain it to me?
Who’s y’all’s least favorite couple of the series .. I’ll go first:
Suggest me a series based on my top 10
Do you believe in God?
What massively improved your mental health?
I wanna be like Sue Heck from the Middle. Everybody in life should be like Sue Heck.
Books from each state and/or UT
Day 1- I'm grateful for my boyfriend, my parents, my grandma and goofy tv shows.
Suggest some jewellery for my wedding outfit girliesssss <3
What gives you fulfillment?
which fandom should I do this with?
You're given a wand, and the chance to learn one spell. What spell are you learning?
Another year another solo birthday date hehe..
I need a TV series recommendation where the main character is completely crazy and unpredictable.