Russia Wants NATO-Free Ukraine and Retention of Crimea, Reports Bloomberg
Klimaticket bye bye 😢
Was ist los mit den Preisen?
What kind of RCA to XLR cables do you use?
My CRT Family Photo
New cluster
Russia and Belarus begin preparations for the West-2025 strategic exercises
Yamaha + JBL / Mackie + Genelec
Well well..
AIO for breaking up with my boyfriend after finding these texts?
Hinterfragt das niemand?
Temporary setup while I figure out a permanent desk
Polizei verprügelt Rollstuhlfahrer, weil er im Zug auf dem falschen Platz saß. Die Bahn hatte gelogen, dass es Rollstuhlplätze gibt. Was stimmt mit diesen Menschen nicht?!
Ohne worte
Kilderov: some currently available paintings. Got a catalogue of them, DM me and I will send you list + prices. 🫶
Have I been scammed - asked for £20 for petrol
Kanada und Mexiko haben andere Pläne
The City of Angels
'We do not want to be Americans' says Greenland's PM as Trump hints at land grab
Pro-Russian party leader in Bulgaria makes territorial claims on Ukraine’s Odesa
The one who would not put his hand on his heart
Musk to host German far-right leader on X, stirs angst about election meddling
A good low profile sound card for Win98 ?
Attacke bei Wahlkampfauftakt der FDP in Greifswald: Parteichef Lindner bekommt Seifentorte ins Gesicht
Found my Gold