Joel strikes again
PSA: SAM sites on Illuminate maps can be a life saver on higher diffs. Yet they can easily be spotted by cold reading the map! They are always these white squares!
Bugdivers watching the dss actually go to the bot side:
This is a Co-op game, not PVP.
blursed jaw
What do I do in this position? (I'm jewish)
Did German public known about the gas chambers? No, not widely. Did they know that non Germans were murdered en masse? Yes.
Fuck Nazi’s
is there a lore reason why walter hates legolas?
Some games are like this
I present Li-Beer-ty
The only Automaton I trust
Most people who are in poverty do not remain there
Do you think Reed really is ripped or does he just shape himself to look ripped, like a big dude holding in his stomach
coaxed into inverse recency bias
He himself joined my game
What do I do in this position?
Christianity in the middle east
Mark my words, America will be just fine.
Coincidence? I think not.
Due to the threat of enemy air defenses, the Ukrainian Frontline Witch Aerial Corps was relegated to the less risky tasks
“Infiltration” - Osean assault unit (totally not a psy-op)
To all the reddit groups uniting to say "fuck off nazi"
What game was this that is not a fromsoft game?
Best games where you fight Nazis?