respect your drivers
Just finish 10 x 10 close up portrait of my pets. What do you think?
Guys how do i log in on hello street cat?
Is it just me or does Penny only cook spaghetti
On my way to work this morning...
Scammers scamming drivers beware!!
Rough day today?
What do you guys do when they want to meet at door?
I need a name for my female foster fail
Free stuff for drivers :0
Anyone else getting stressed doing UberEats like me?
Why don’t we ever see any of the characters who work on engine 51?
I think i upset him
What are the two most useful items to have on you while delivering?
In Your Opinion..... Which is Better to Deliver for?!
rest in peace Lumpy, you are my baby. (almost 17)
Quick update on our Best Boy, Thomas (12)
Tammy (15) was bribed with treats to join in on a photoshoot today
My cat Rohmer passed away today at 18 years old and 8 months. I have had him since he was 3 months old. Rohmer Forever!
Lulu, 17, is having a rough go. She’s been sick from both ends for 2 days now. I’m spending time with her in the shower which is the only “safe” place for her to be. Poor old girl is exhausted. (Dr. is in the loop.)
My cranky chonk Gaz (14)
This is my almost 18 year old girl, Treacle. I love her so much
My sweet, shaggy old man. He will be 18 this summer.