True hai kya guys?
Saw this video (not from India) of a Libyan kid driving a Toyota.
Welcome to Libya.
Made my stomach hurt and legs feel like a spaghetti.
Cow respond back to mooing.
Four medical students arrested in MBBS supplementary exam,they became solvers during the first and second year exams.
What's the purpose of ghee here? This video has over 7.5 million views.
Charging Rs.1 extra from patient had cost him his job.
This is Dr Manishaa her channel name is 'The perfect health hyd koti' has around 5+ lakh subscribers
Any ENT Doctor here?
Saw this on Instagram about toll tax.
What movies have made you cry?
Incendies 2010!!!! what the fuck
Maharashtra: MBBS cut offs shoot above 600 even in private medical colleges
Why Do H&E Pencils Suck?
AITK on not agreeing to marry him
Even a stranger could tell how uncomfortable the girl is but her Parents still didn’t bother to STOP it.
Got scammed by Medical
Doctors Begin 24-Hour Nationwide Strike Over Kolkata Rape-Murder
With this mindset I don't where we gonna head as a country.
Yo back in time.
Love to Team Palestine!