Eric Burlison, the man who wants to federally ban a woman’s right to make her own health decisions
Let's lose faith in humanity together
Rakan buffs incoming!
Trump ends Income Tax - what now?
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
Mission Accomplished! Restarted playing Sylas. oh how i have missed it
Anatolian shepherd dog against a pack of wolves
Removing lengthy Feline mucous from the nasal cavity
The average amount of days it takes Riot to give skins to each champion.
25.S1.3 Patch Preview
Had the container open for a few mins while I quickly helped a chick that had hurt itself...
AIO - My “friend” wants to kick me out after I lost my home in the LA wildfire
How often do you clean your coops?
5 cost battle
My chicken is evolving... Part2...Accidentally deleted my OG post cause I am a moron.
Are you guys worried about what’s happening in the US right now?!?
come on jodi…
Help! What are these?
Wot's up wiv 'em Brits, Petah?
My Friends First game of Draven got a penta. ( I was Sylas)
Why rangiku is always showing her cleavage?
Rengar mains be like.
What’s the “TM” mean???!??