Is anyone worried about a nationwide HRT ban?
Coming out on the job?
So I’m a Trans Cristian girl is that possible??
At 30, as a black trans woman I have 5 years left to live statistically speaking
Instead of family holiday events, I spent the holidays sick in bed and it was the best holiday I had in years.
AITAH for ending a relationship after my partner came out as trans
Rooting for you B’more
30, never been in a relationship, a tight friend circle, or had a best friend. I think I’m hopeless?
Coping with societal discrimination
I didn’t go home for Thanksgiving for the first time and it was the best Thanksgiving I ever had.
I didn’t go home for Thanksgiving this year and it was the best Thanksgiving I had in years.
I’ve accepted I’m trans. It feels like a mixed bag.
How did you choose a name?
Struggling with Trans Day of Remembrance
Events/Groups for black trans women?
Hard to find people like me as a black trans person.
A friend of mine just said he thinks im only trans because of a porn addiction
Are trans women welcome in women’s only spaces that use the word “Wombyn”?
No judgement - what’s your worst jazz opinion?
I have a hard life, what would make my life worth living?
Living in DC vs Baltimore
Chain restaurant you're embarrassed to admit you eat too often?
If you had narcissistic parents - What weird ways did your parents try to put you down?
What is something completely non-sexual guys do that makes you horny?
'BRAT' Discussion Megathread