r/normalnudes is such a joke
Sanity Sunday - come here to vent/rant and get advice!
I wish I had pretty privilege
Gostam de gordurinhas🤨🤨🤨?
hate that breast envy sub
Now here’s the chonker
Comments by family members are something else altogether
This meme is RUINING MY LIFE
A cada 10 gatos 10 são beijados sem consentimento
"A real woman curves"
Quero achar como que faz essas "canetas" que usam pra escrever e desenhar nos muros
Uma das piores invejas femininas é "se você gosta de uma menina mais fofa que eu, você é pedófilo"
being abroad makes me realize just how insignificant I am
How socialized were you as a child?
I hate my breasts so much
Body Dysmorphia is destroying my life and I need advice on how to make it stop
how to respond to hateful comments about breasts?
eu acho que eu achei uma lost media
i can't get over how pretty she is 😭
What Were You Called Growing Up?
some of yall have turned into straight up bullies
I hate when people say “guys who say they like small boobs only say that because they can’t get big ones”
I hate everything about myself
Quais seriam os melhores exercícios de calistenia para aumentar os glúteos e o quadril?