Looking to exchange Monero for Litecoin P2p.
Where can I get a community to exchange XMR for Litecoin via p2p?
No one sell for 24 hours
Exchange XMR for Lite coin
Indiana went 11-2 in the 2024 CFB season, only losing to Ohio State and Notre Dame.
I'm more afraid of losing access to a cold wallet than access to my online wallet.
I Received this Today. pretty excited.
Which is the best sport betting site and which one do you Use. Bovada, Caesars etc
Damn now I gotta stay up watching this
Got hit by card fraud
Have you ever been scammed and how did cope with it
Hiring an Indian resident
Looking for Indian Residence for a small task
[Hiring] Indian Residence
"[task]" Looking for an Indian to help in a small task
If someone gave you $10,000 right now, what would you do?
i won maa!
when life is stressful, work is stressful, and you have a minute to eat
Women are confusing.
Why are people so homophobic?
Killer cop Murangiri
I am lost.
Kids these days
If you woke up as a billionaire, what’s the first thing you’d do?
fuck you all