[End Game Spoiler] I saw it on this subreddit and decided to try it too on these two characters
More complex than usual transition divider
Nested lists are not discrete paragraphs (confirm?)
New animation I made
How do I use Obsidian for productivity and better quality of life?
Equivalent to Scrivener notes sidebar?
Tabs - alternatives
I just wanted to show you my conan cosplay!
For non-drinkers and non-smokers, what are your hobbies during alone time?
What do people mean when you say something and they say "that's not..." and don't finish their sentence?
Space enemy design
Hello everyone👋 time for my new drawing...hope you like my Zeno card🍀
Only found out about same note links, this is huge.
How Obsidian and what I eat helped me stick to my journaling habit for over a year
How did you get to know about AO3?
Some Minecraft resprites I'm working on!
so I did this with my mobile theme
Guys, I love their Bromance so much!!!
A successful isekai
What are your thoughts on this?
A way away from the moon
Impossible to ship Shinichi with any character other than Ran
Don't look at me like that, I'm not feeding you more fatass.
The struggle of being a Gen reader/author
I don’t get why in fanfiction, Death Eaters are often portrayed in a way that downplays the seriousness of what being a Death Eater really means.