The elderly in the United States are a nuisance
Fiancé won’t let me get a Cat
WIBTA if I (34M) pay off the mortgage without telling my wife (33F)
Chickens legs cooked with red cabbage: never again
What did I do wrong?
AIO for being creeped out by a guy I hadn’t talked to since I was 5 pledging is loyalty to me?
Which is the best?
Am I screwed ?
You should tell someone else’s kid something when they’re misbehaving
I’m almost done checking out at KFC and this shows up
Italy in Christmas
December 15th Airport Strikes
How would you make my dining area look less like a break room of a hospital?
What spices should I get my home cook boyfriend?
AIO to my gf not telling me about having dated her guy friend?
AITA for asking my boyfriend to buy a car?
I bleached my new grown roots. What to do now? 😭
Do you wash fruit from the store before eating it?
What’s something you wished you like but you just can’t stand?
Any idea to make my living room better/more cozy ?
If all religions teach peace, why cant it be achieved?
Which food you could eat every day if you must ?
AITA - won’t let my sister in law use my work laptop
AITA for asking my husband to close his business
WIBTA if I skip Christmas Dinner?