Feb 28: Fuck This Friday
Where did your lore start?
Lab Fees
Feb 26: Education & Career Questions
Feb 26: Wholesome Wednesday
Professors of reddit, what do you consider fast/normal/slow grading?
Phase out Trump voting research coordinator?
If you're wondering how dumb this timeline really is...
I am actually floored by this student request
"If it's not there when I grade, it's a 0."
A colleague, who is an associate professor, said that an assistant professor is "there to assist me". Is this accurate or does it depend on the university?
What would make you want to hire a postdoc who is not in your field?
What would a 90 credit Bachelor's do to us? Or schools in general?
Your advisor said what?
Bradford and Beer-Lambert
Feb 24: Weekly Research Plans
"Those who can't do, teach"
ASBMB Annual Conference registration fee for Sale
Feb 23: (small) Success Sunday
EEOC investigation discrimination against American workers (Yikes!!!)
Seeking Advice on Strengthening Publication Records and Securing Grants While Transitioning to a Research-Focused tenure-track role
does HHMI have any credibility, after canceling Inclusive Excellence grants?
"What if" scores not affecting grade *positively*, even to the 100th of a percent?
Feb 22: Cool Papers
Conservative Sub is fighting with itself - paranoia about being ‘infiltrated’