I sprayed bleach in my shower/tub today, left for 5 mins, and then used my shower head to rinse it off and black particles are rinsing out (DE)
Im a noob, What is this Is it about transistors? I cant find it on Internet
Truck Narrowly Misses School Bus After Brakes Fail.
Guess I was just a one night stand, how could he do that to such a sweetheart
Can we talk about materials for a minute?
Can anyone make it look like I threw him way higher?
Should I upload the Tarmo 5 Fusion 360 and Step files?
My Tarmo 5 and my own tarmo insipired RC car
Issue found/Bed adhesion.
Has any engineer make their own business, side hustle or straight up made it full time (after it became successful)? If so what’s your company and it’s product, and what was it like making the company from the ground up?
Tracked Tarmo5
Main gear weight reduction
Gyro in action
Wobbling rear wheels
Painting a straight line around cones
Dog bones Shredded!
Girlfriend left behind a gift before moving out
Look at how much damper I gotta print
Such a Cool project
Tarmo5 for sale
3D printed Arduino car.
how much is the top speed of stuck or default tarmo 4 and 5 ?
Quest 2 battery gone. Anyone know a pinout/polarity so I can jump start it?
Drive gear sheared