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What are the realistic chances for us, the younger working class, to have a political party that truly represents our interests? What can we do to create a genuine third party in this country to improve our day-to-day lives?
The Billionaire Bloodbath: U.S. Billionaires Have Lost $415 Billion Under Trump 2.0 - And Counting
First time I’ve shut off that part of the brain that is making me sad
The Pacific, taken from the ISS
Getting a dog has made me recognize how hyperactive I really am
Why is so much of ED recovery made for neurotypicals?
What brands would you never use and why?
Posts about how men remember compliments forever because of how rare they are
I guess this might be pointful... but it's BS! [Gendered]
Wtf does that say there? Do women have a separate set of emotions everyone else isn't privy to??
My dog is ruining my life and I’ve done nothing for 4 years
This is what being autistic feels like, but for every questions you get asked in your life
"No, people with ADHD are not making it up: Calling it a scam is a disgrace" - The Independent
How to prepare for incoming economic catastrophe?
America's Attorney General, head of the Department of Justice, declared: "If you're going to touch a Tesla, go to a dealership, do anything, you better watch out because we're coming after you."
Back to the future $$$
Trump 'goes full fascist' by saying CNN and MSNBC criticizing him is 'illegal'
what are some good ways to make some side money when you’re working full time?
I’m tired of violence against girls
Leavitt - ''The orders are unconstitutional. You cannot have a low level district court judge filing an injunction to usurp the executive authority of the President.''
Lying customer lies in case, wins case, lies in review
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Questions that should be on the ADHD assessment, but aren’t