H: Stinging core GP plan W:Leaders or rare apparel
Is ironclad worth it?
Tired of crashing
Appalachian vets: what are your new player pet peeves in public events?
H:Mods in description W:PinPointers, 5 leaders per star, or rare apparel
H: The ability to craft OE W: Plas Gat with mods, giveaway
W: Full civil engineer set all 3 star mods(don’t care rolls) H:30 leaders
H: 1x Belted + 1x Explosive + 1x Vital + 2x Rapid + 1x Anti-Armor + 1x Bloodied + 1x Aristocrat W: 1x Powered + 1x Sentinel
H: mods in pictures W: cap’s, map’s, or junk
Mods and perks stacking
Is gesring up brand new players robbing them?
Which one of you is going around buying all the 5mm out of people vendor, I can never find any
H:Mods Colas and a small amount of coffee W: AA vats optimized pin pointers reflective or any 3* weight reduction mods
Finally !! 😅 Only took me a bit over 100 raids to get
Raids. To raid or not to raid….
Modded Gat Plas Giveaway- Final Round
H:30k W:steel, accepting offers minimum 1k
H: Gatling plasma Stinger box mod W: Gatling plasma Accelerated nozzle
Trading mods for caps
What's Your Favorite Weapon?
H: Pounders W: Rangers
H: mods W: offers
Need the helmet, please help
W: troubleshooters mods H: Random assortment of mods from 1*-4*