As mãos ficaram a desejar,mas fiquei com preguiça de terminar
What you think are the best examples of a transionital album ?
Name a Perfect thrash song (no big 4 allowed).
Albums With the Strongest Riffs
What “weaponized melody” is and why you should care about it
Se tiver uma adaptação de Chico Bento Moço para os cinemas, como você acha que vai ser ?
Which songs, EPs or albums that are "out of the place" of band's discography do you really love ?
Been really loving this album (again). What’s the general consensus here?
What you think about the others sites/databases about Metal like Metal Kingdom or Metal Storm ?
Fav. Track from this Album?
My favorite breakdown. What are yours?
How did you guys found tbhk that let's you be in the fandom?
qual desses vídeos tem mais potencial para virar um podcast ?
Venom sucks
Recomendação de músicas no metal com letras românticas
Se o André jogar esses jogos cabeçudos eu serei encontrado vivo e saudável
What is your favorite album by a band that most wouldn’t consider their favorite?
André daqui 30 anos
One of the animators of the Opening made this little GIF to thank the fans for both watching Season 2 and the Opening Theme
Gatercreeper was my top album of 2024
Fiz a igreja ficar com medo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Conhecendo o Doom Metal (7/10): Psalm 9 - Trouble
BEST In Flames album in you guys opinion?