The Fire Caste's finest, ready for Retaliation (newly updated with extra AP!)
Dogs are done.
Some angry chickens on lizard dogs!
Murder horne- *ahem* esteemed allies, ready to drop in for the Greater Good
Question about Broadside shooting into his own melee
Tips to Improve Lava Bases
Ghostkeel on extended deployment to a lava world
Best Tau Models for starter Army
Enforcer Commander on lava world
Started painting a squad of my Nerubic Revenants with sword and shield
Kroot character cohort, ready to fight on a lava world
Are Pathfinders worth it and what loadout if so?
Please help, I’m new to Warhammer and don’t know what I’m doing, is this army any good, if not, what should I replace/get rid of
Second Purchase after old Combat Patrol Box
The War Shaper commands.
First trio of Kroot Carnivores done, looking for thoughts and feedback on the scheme, etc.
First box for my tau army, should i build the fire warriors as a strike team or breacher (or a mix)
First game tomorrow, list building help!
Lol K
Ravage suit deployed
Starting off with T'au
Two Kroot PUPPIES?!
Max Kroot
Kroot Base Sizes