Mitchell Hamline A - my first A this cycle and it was such a relief that I cried!
Taking Bets!
Northeastern A!!!!
I know y'all love these, how's this for a mid-cycle recap??
Mothers to young children in law school, how did you do it?
Not intending to breastfeeding
GSU - Admissions
Spouse and Child
GSU A!!!!
Planning to attend in the fall but beginning to second guess
Such a peaceful and pleasant Reddit page
For those who applied to Northeastern how long was your “review in progress”.
first result - rejection
Anyone heard from Northeastern? What’s the turnaround?
CWRU Part-Time Online Program
Northeastern “Scholarship” LSAC Status
Health law applicants?
Health law and policy institutions
Just got an Lsac status update email, but I don’t see anything on law hub.
Checking in
Isle Haute, Maine
Any Hybrid/Online Programs Responding with Decisions??