Besides sex how do you like to physically show love to your partner?
What is the most kindest thing a partner has ever said to you?
Whixh NFL teams are you rooting for today?
How would you describe the personality of your significant other?
Well about the e other side now. What is the thing you did make made someone feel extremely special?
What has some one done that done made you feel extremely special?
What is a fantasy of yours that you haven’t experienced yet?
How do you rate your eyebrows?
What crazy thing has happened to an ex after you broke up?
Had some ugly comments about my nose. I thought it was fine but I don’t know now.
My nudes were turned into a children’s game
Favorite Waylon Jennings song?
18f be honest but gentle pls!
Training wheels Mahomes
Favorite George Jones song?
[34 F] Thinking it might be time for Botox? Or just love my skin for the age I am.
What’s his name
What are your plans for the day of love. . . Valentines ?
Podcast listeners what is your favorite podcast?
What food items would you like people to give you so you could fall in love with them?
Let’s spread the love which fellow redditer do you want to send a gratitude message to?
What makes a sexual encounter more pleasurable for you?
The Standard is the Standard
Do you think in a relationship, one person will always love the other more?
Who would you risk it all for?