I hate _____ people.
Do Nigerian women still prefer older guys?
Should LGBT rights be protected? (responses by Africa’s youth)
How do Nigerians view foreigners?
Is there a sudden flood of right wingers or are more men just switching up?
Opinion on gay rights in the US by religion
Moscow’s high-rises from street level
will africans start speaking european languages as their mother tongue?
How do guys keep their ass so clean?
I like _____ people.
Coming to Nigeria
My greatest and biggest city to date (90% traffic)
What is going on with this sub?
When did y'all last cry?
Lagos Blue Line just after vs during rush hour.
I'm fascinated by African cities
How tall are YOU?
I’m a Muslim GenZ ask me anything.
Favorite plane?
Why do I only attract black dudes and old men?
Do most western people not eat rice with a spoon?
African Leaders Slams Macron Over 'Gratitude' Remarks, Accuses France of Destabilising Africa | Streetsofkante
CMV: Western countries are the least racist countries in the world
When did preferences become a bad thing?