Tyson vs Gorilla
EMSKR: When you look at me while wearing undies, it looks like I have 3 testicles because of the softness of my willy wong. How can I fix this?
EMSK & Understand The Penis Fly Trap.
When people accuse you of using a fake weight! (they hate us because they anus!)
Hey guys, does this tongue twisting thingie every get old?
You Know They're Married Because She's Wearing A Coat Under The Blanket So He Obviously Won The Thermostat War.
UNBG. You Know They're Married Because She's Wearing A Coat Under The Blanket So He Obviously Won The Thermostat War.
Do the drapes match the .... I mean, she made a pair of pants out of her drapes and they match. And I'm impressed with the craftsmanship.
Interesting & Artistic Photos (non-photoshopped)
EMSKR: what's the best thing to say to a girl after sex?
EMSKR: how do I kiss a girl if I want to spark passion? Do I do it like this?
EMSK this short list of important adult knowledge, skills, & abilities that I learned the hard way (had no dad to teach me this stuff and was way too old before I caught on)
Math lesson from Zara 🤓
EMSKR: How many times a week--when no one is watching or can hear you--do you bury your face in your hands and scream as loud as you can?
EMSKR: why are girls so shy and why do they pretend like they don't like you when you know they do?
They Recreated Their Wedding Photo 25 Years Later
Can u guys come up with some original other than something something "balls to the face"....