2025 Crop Started
What is covering every inch of my land?
Is it allowed/possible to sleep outdoors near the route franca. I am planning my trip and thinking should I prepare also to sleep outdoors? How common this is. I will be going dying Jan/Feb. Would like here experience if someone has done this during their walk.
It says: a settler belonging to pro-Palestine groups is being investigated for putting up posters inciting against the IDF and the state. Things in Israel are getting weirder by the day...
"I'm so happy to know that...out of all the different religions...I was raised in the... only one that holds... the Real Truth" - atheist cartoon by Edeno (2013)
MEGATHREAD: Israeli officials: Deal will see 33 hostages freed in 1st stage, most of them alive
Tough stance of ÖV - 15-year-olds get fined for boarding a 1st class carriage | Four teenagers from Lucerne pay 75 francs for boarding a 1st class carriage.
Swiss Citizen Dies In Iran After Being Accused Of Spying
Single households: How much do you pay for Internet, TV and mobile every month?
Les gens qui se présentent comme HPI, qu'est ce que vous voulez dire de vous au juste ?
I was surprised that with around 1 million inhabitant in its urban area, Geneva is not that big if you look at all the international organisation that are located there. What are other cities that are not that big compared to the international importance ?
Job étudiant
Countries around the world with or without a state religion.
The State of Itodah, in the Year 692
Can’t we all just come together for sloppy kisses😔😔😔
Si un juif fait un infarctus pendant Shabbat, peut-on utiliser un défibrillateur ?
Antizionism and inconsistency
Les agriculteurs qui proclament fièrement "nourrir la population" lors de leurs manifestations sont des hypocrites.
Le bio n'est ni meilleur pour la santé ni pour l'environnement. Les OGM sont mieux pour l'environnement.
Likud MK Vaturi suggests Democrats leader Golan betrayed country on Oct. 7
President Trump: Erdogan is very smart. Syria is his doing. Russia was weakened, Iran was weakened. Erdogan sent his people to Syria in different forms and places, and they took over. I like Erdogan. He is my friend
C'est quoi vos petites astuces qui facilitent la vie au quotidien ?
La cigarette devrait être interdite dans tous les espaces publics
Genocide in gaza: true or false?
Comment est-ce possible que les OQTF ne se fassent pas expulser ?