Endian bros is this true?
omg (bangladesh)
It didn't last long
The most underrated country in Earth
Racism is real
Muhammad Zamzam, a blind young guy, is in Jail for 3 years in false case of blasphemy; Omer Kaleem (Assistant Director/FIA Pakistan) extorted money, raided the home and threatened the poor family;
🇩🇪👨🏻❤️💋👨🏽 🇭🇷 @🐪人 Is this islamofriendly enough guys???
Would i live in your country? (sorry for bad quality)
Chäddd, iz dis‘ truu?
Classic Reddit Moment
🇮🇳💪🏽True Indo-Aryan Supremacy 💪🏽🇮🇳
Some bullshit
A caution board in India
Second largest religion in Indian subcontinent (resolved one for Sikhism)
Irrelevant Loser Saiman
Orban is in India
Most hated country in each Nation
For those who are not from either place, if you could travel for 1 month around either India or the Middle East, which one would you choose, and why?
I'm a Muslim Late Z (Arguably Zalpha) ask me anything
I’m a Muslim GenZ ask me anything.
British Muslim here... ask me anything I guess