Anybody wanna help me with Cainhurst? I can summon at the first lamp, code is 44448888
Uncanny or normal saw spear for bl4 run?
What are some fun things to do
Should i get a ps4 or just wait until the emulated version?
New Hunter question about chalice dungeons
Why does this look like a Bloodborne boss arena?
Looking for good Lovecraft/general cosmic horror video games
Has Anyone Else Seen This Before?
Brain of mensis area pink instead of black
There is no worse enemy! I can't stand these wormy mfs!
Of the four styles, which is your favorite chalice dungeon?
Is killing Mergo not actually killing Mergo?
What is the best place to find lore explanation.
Do You Need A Modded PS4 To Fight Great One Beast And Mud Lake Moon Presence?
Bloodborne or Elden ring
Good build with weapon?
Does anyone else do this?
Seasoned hoonter here who embarrassingly needs a little advice. How do I deal with the executioners in the early game?
Dumb question, why is Logarius undead?
Dodge was so good that it broke the game 💀
Just don't let the blood intoxicate you (sketch)
Possible way to get dlc for free???