Commuters fail to alight, press emergency button & cause MRT train to stop along East-West Line
Thoughts about JannPaul please
What’s a good tv series to watch (new or old is ok)?
Feeling cheated with OnlyAesthetics Group’s “Dermal Drip” Treatment - what should I do next?
What is your favourite thing about Singapore?
If money isn’t a concern, what is it that you want to do in Singapore?
How many real friends do you have?
Sort of accident with a personal mobility aid (PAD)/ personal mobility device right outside Dunman secondary
What are bus routes that are fast?
Dating sites/apps and Scams. Dose anyone see a link?
What's on your Singaporean bucket list?
What happened to all hawkers? It is so quiet even at famous hawkers nowadays
How to know what size of engagement ring to get
Found this at goodwill for $3. Picked it up without looking it up first and I can’t find much info. It’s from Japan. Wondering if anyone has heard of this brand?
Happy hump day! How’s your week so far? Or how’s 2024 been for you?
Old people falling off a giant see saw.
Trash tier Shopee/Lazada SIngapore stores
Most worth sushi in Sg other than Genki, Sushi express etc?
What’s something from childhood you didn’t appreciate until you became an adult?
My bf's ex (30F) spent the night in my bed with my bf (30M) but he recorded it to show me (25F) nothing happened... how do we overcome this?
Why after filling in NTUC lucky draws, I receive a lot of scam calls and am added to scam Whatsapp groups?
Anyone planning to use their SkillsFuture credits?
What can't Elon Musk buy?
Might be terminated from internship, what do I do?
Is it just my feeling or is sg gonna be depressing in future?