“Pink Guts”
Going to extremes are life changing
1890 Home, Not destroyed by bad taste remodel.
I'll take the cold for this gem, Queen St Castle 1881🤤👻
Restaurants specials downtown?
Friendly Friday Thread
The garden I have cared for about 20 years vs now after my brother got the house 💔
Elvis is in the house
I just need to vent
A crappy end to a crappy year.
Name for this beautiful 1 year old female kitty? My daughter & I love food names and foreign names. Thanks for your help Reddit❣️
Sweet old Blep
289 years of beauty!
Another blep
Anyone else do green tea everyday.
Cavers ancient kirkyard Scotland
My first big sewing project! A purple denim suit.
Oh the stairs, stairs, stairs. Not a home for heavy drinking.
I love funny wallpaper, I have seen some doozies.
A lovely carved stone Maori headstone
An interesting headstone
My grandfather is new to making video clips and he sent this video of my brother’s grave to my mother
The weight of the cookbooks is just too much…
Cookbook request/suggestion