Muscles on my thigh won't stop twitching after cutting
Ok gang, what’s your resting HR??
How to deal with motion sickness?
Need help with this before I start panicking
Mom keeps telling me to just put up with it and stop being so weak.
Told family about my friends diabetes and they said yeah well she has an actual disease and you don't see her complaining.
If matter can't be created from nothing, how did the big bang happen?
How old were you when you got diagnosed ?
I Hate My Grandfather
which problem do you have with your family
What caused your POTS? i’m trying to get down to the bottom of how mine was actually caused.
Is pots truely a chronic illness?
Dreams that were crushed by your chronic illness?
What do you think is the worst symptom of pots?
What accomodations would be great for school?
Curious about ages of those struggling with POTS
I was just diagnosed with POTS
What’s something unexpected that you do now since being diagnosed with a chronic illness
Does coughing or sneezing do weird things to your HR?
Should I tell friends about My POTS?
Can you feel your pulse in your abdomen?
When did you start fainting with POTS?
Besties, I fainted for the first time.
Why does pots cause dizziness even when vitals are normal?