Why are we still watching?
Baby oil is a red flag to me now 😭🚩
New episode was a snooze
AITA for expecting my sister to get a hotel room to visit?
How you all wake up at 7 am?
What are the worst twin names you've ever heard of?
Is the average American really struggling with money?
Ren Faire
The products on the pod
Literally delusional
my favourite pics of the sloppy seven!
New GNL merch! Thoughts?
Vintage NV weight loss ad
What was their day to day conversation like with Hef?
Las Vegas Weekly 2009 Interview: Holly, Bridget, and Kendra
Here we go….
In Holly’s own words
This scene was really funny and unexpected
Kendra’s intense dance 😂
Stacy Burke Answers whether or not she got PAID for her interviews on Girls Next Level, Secrets of Playboy, Playboy Murders/Lethally Blonde
Sorry but whoever asked the girls on Patreon this week to make a playlist of Hef’s bedroom songs??? Wtf was that???
The “stop watch” story
Who is "The Real Mrs. Letz"?
Any one else get a kick out of the GND title track?
What favorite Playboy merch did you have and love as a sweet summer child??