resumer critique and help
Astr 333 difficulty?
Can i take eosc 340 without chem 121?
how hard is phys 301?
Chem 121 only offereed in term 1?
Having early finals is both a blessing and a curse
Thoughts on the bio 121 final?
Winter break sublet available
Why are these in the middle of the hallway?
next term course syllabus
final exam schedule
syllabus for courses
unable to create an IRCC account for citizenship certificate
Renovation in tallwood building
Ubc secure not working?
fmst 210 textbook
citizenship oath ceremony virtual or in person
comr 398 hybrid course as an elective?
chem 121 lab report booklet and PPE?
Exams / Newbie / Common Questions Thread for two weeks
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HOUSING MEGATHREAD (2020W): Questions related to having a roof over your head go here.
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