Minimising damage caused by causetic substances?
I need some harm reduction tips and suggestions :)
How dangerous is JWH-210?
Recreational snorting vyvanse
You’re in hell. What song is playing?
JWH-210 questions
MDMA crystals (don't need anyone selling me shit)
Taking MDMA orally or snorting
C0caine alternatives
Almost died after smoking THC bong
Guys, I wanna have a drink - retarded or genious?
Why no one ever design a drug to use with Inhaler?
Any accurate info on the new RC ban in EU?
The real reason I do drugs
How many of you are actually injecting?
What should I do with this?
Lyrica makes me sleep its so boring
What is your favorite RC to boof?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
my addiction update📢
I can finally take xannax now!!
What are some rules you made yourself about drug use that you still follow?
Im 16 and started smoking weed
TUMS (calcium carbonate) actually work to potentiate Vyvanse or at least to prolong it