Weird discoloration on 2ish week old seedling mini rust spot?
LST look right?
Bicentennial coin have any value “no mint mark” apparently?
14 oz harvest triks by 20twenty
First indoor harvest triks auto by 20/20(no cure yet)
Rate my bud
Small autos 1-2 weeks left
Wtf is this light burn??? They’re running out of nutes rn if that can cause this on top??
Harvesting in less than a week ish (3-5 days)
Why is this happening.
Need help.! Is this powdery mildew or trichomes
Found a brown spot on my dried bud. Is it bud rot?
What is this white stuff..
Thoughts on JUICEWRLDDAY concert
Seedling Transplant Health Update
What is wrong with this girl?
Can I just stick this back in?
Day 42 Triks auto by 20twenty Mendocino!