Anonymously state your business/service and anyone interested will just dm. No numbers, names or private info. Just what you do.
How do you live life without being driven
Kampala roads
How much of a need are school supplies and how do I send them?
How to convince my husband to not have more kids
Anyone with a small donation so I can buy food for a day or two.
if you're a girl living the west is it your dream to move a muslim country?
Caught between joblessness and a hard boss (pun intended)
Looking for commercial food processing equipment
Dating Muslim girls.
TIL garlic in Uganda comes from China and Rwanda
How would you describe happiness?
What do you’ll do after a break up?
What are some lessons that you’ve learned this year that have changed the way you look at things?
Is KFC in Coventry Really This Bad?
Accidental Wes Anderson in Chengdu
Very cool apartment design in Chengdu
Ehs customs agent says customer officer doesnt accept proof and invoice of my laptop
Beeping at night
How to get a “boda guy”
Not sure If this only annoys me, but why do you say out your number starting with 078,76,451,87
How many here have made a trip to see Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet) house, which is a popular tourist attraction.
Those who have lived abroad, What annoys you most when back in Uganda? For me its traffic.
Expensive clothing and footwear
Where are you FROM?