What’s the craziest most unhinged things a man has said to you??
bought this from sarojini
How do I make my life interesting as someone who lives in pg?
Product I own as a [15F] BUYED FROM MY SAVINGS 🤎
is it giving cottagecore?
When was the last time you cuddled with another person?
The highest number of steps I have ever walked in a day . What's yours ...
Regret buying unsweetened penut butter
i've got 0 in IA (sec- creative writing), is that going to be a problem? are they going to fail me in sec??
New Instagram Update Is Horrible / Rant
Isn’t it morally wrong to breed and bring children in this country, when it’s overpopulated, over polluted, poverty stricken and worse the most poor have more kids, wtf is wrong with Indians?
which song did you recently discover or become obsessed with?
Apart from sarojini where can I buy affordable clothes from.
attendance for sec (non-theory subject)
I think I have an UTI. Feeling very anxious.
What is something that other people can easily do but you cannot?
I have 57% attendance, exams are next month ( It's my first sem) am I cooked?
Fed up with my roommate
Mujhe nehi jana college 😵💫
I don’t think I have friends anymore
name a more peaceful place in Delhi, I'll wait.
My grand mother in law tries to finish off stale food by giving it to me. What to do?
What was your favorite scene in the show/manga?
Recommend me some delicious books