I can’t do it. I’m defeated.
why would someone make it all up?
What’s the proper way to process these verse for a Christian?
I'm going to seek out an affair.
Single convert and not doing endowment?,
When you’re out of calories end of day but need something
What do y’all do when there’s no way to track exact calories ?
Sweet tooth breakfast
dead bedroom making me into a cuck
AITA for not giving up my window seat on a plane to a kid just because she threw a tantrum?
Are women allowed to wear makeup in Abudhabi?
is the world getting more evil or has it always been like this?
I’m not trying to be a weeny but….
35 year old mom of 5
The Bible is essentially the Christian version of the Hadiths
My wife ruined Thanksgiving
We planned to announce at thanksgiving dinner💔
Weight gain and no baby to show for it
How do you function like a normal human person on 2 hours of sleep (busy entire day)?
What are church events like?
Can converts who are already married get sealed in temple?
How does going to the temple work?
Honest opinion to avoid a tragedeigh
Jesus prays to god and proves that he is not god but a prophet sent by god himself