They say that everyone you meet knows something that you don’t - What is something that you know that I don’t?
If anyone can guess this wrestler, I’ll drink tonight
Why don’t they do Monster Munch Flamin Hot (red packet) in a multipack here?
Boy previously awarded €40,000 after being stranded on Luas wins €18,000 after he ran out in front of car
Medicine question.
About the boat crew.
[S2] Didn't realise who player 001 was ...
will it be chili? tbd
any snow out your way yet?
Willing to trade 10 two litre bottles of milk for 20 sliced pans of Brennans white bread
High Five!
Sock talk
Might be suffering for real
What are we choosing?
So where's everyone picking?
Tad early but I’ll be busy over it so….
Big times, big changes, big lad?
what’s something someone could never understand unless they’ve experienced it themselves? to introduce €100 fee to list death notices on site from next month
This is ridiculous…
What’s the one thing you’d like to change about your life next year? 2025 edition
For the Irish dankers