Can we get rid of the stupid fucking Chad and the wojaks?
Nice one moron
MIMG/MCDB CM156 tips
[Hated tropes] When the story claims that an attractive character is actually ugly
What am I? "I can be ..."
As we all know, Elden Ring (2022) was a critical and commercial disaster. In spite of its numerous flaws, let's take a moment to talk about a few of the things this game did well
What do you think is the 2020s version of this?
hope that day never come
Here's some information I think people need to see.
making miyazaki 7% more transparent every week untill the game releases
Tiktok user post alleged video of a returning boss in Elden ring nightreign and a new class
Tiktok user post alleged video of a returning boss in Elden ring nightreign
Leaked information from the Tiktok game tester
Don't fully trust what the leaker says.
Sekiro clears
they never watched Vsauce
Which character did you start hating because of this game? I'll start.
I hate my life
"DS3 combat feels so much more fair and engaging than Elden Ring" *Looks inside* *one straight minute of using the same exact attack repeatedly* The glazing is real folks lol
As an invader on ER, I can finally see why you guys dislike ER pvp so much, this game feels so much more fair and engaging
A question for the true Nords: Khajiit or Argonian?
"swing is a bad gamemode"
What was the worst death for a character story wise in JJK?
Where is my DLC 😭😭
did we just witness the first ever..
The Rocket hate is unreal
is this best way to get recommended creatine dose?