What pre-1.14 mossy cobblestone could've looked like if Mojang didn't forget to change it in beta 1.7
My favorite H server mini*ame, hhhhhhh hhhhhhh
I made a Minecraft theme on a laptop a while ago. That laptop is long one with a smashed hard drive. So in memory of it, I decided to make a better, more detailed version of it on my new one!
How To Manipulate The Nons
Technically it's both positive AND negative if you think about it
If you had 30 minutes to hide from a nuclear blast where would you go?
Japanese Kamikaze planes taking off. 1943, colorized
First day of November, I finally remembered this
Rate my desktop icons. I went as far as changing the icons for some of them!
Mario's facial expression on the Super Mario 64 and Mario Party box art is almost exactly the same
A video I was watching earlier somehow ended up inside of another video's fringe...
I always found it strange that there was a mini crewmate hat and pet, but no body, so I made a quick mockup of the final piece to the set
Something happened at the straw factory or smth
Blursed lawnmower
This is the problem Wii have to deal with on YouTube
I made a Minecraft skin that looks like 9 mini crewmates stacked together :)
Bro just wants a snack 🥺
Luigi wants your feet
I was an interesting child
It turns out the media was right! Video games do cause violence. Based on the last game you played, what are you getting arrested for?
It's OUR glass
This was too close for comfort