Brief 1978 News Report About the Importance (or Lack Thereof) of a College Diploma
Oh, and Another Thing, Stop Making Fun of Teachers Who Don’t Have Cars
Got My Rotisserie Chicken, Got my Kilo of Extra Mature Cheddar, Bottle of Cristal. Going to Slip on My Headphones, Slap a DVD on the Portable
To the people who made it in life, what’s your advice for a 17 year old?
Who Knows? Maybe Someone Listening to this Might Be the First Chicken to Walk on the Moon
Favorite Times Where Aba and Preach’s Age Difference Was Most on Display
I’m Directly Under the Earth’s Sun Now
Is Jim Cornette Cooling On His Hate of Vince Russo at All?
Imagine if George W Bush died choking on that pretzel in 2002, no one would believe it
Why haven’t any medical doctors or other health professionals ever been elected to the presidency?
What low cost move did you make to solve a conventionally expensive issue homeowners face?
Matt Cardona shares an email he got from an overenthusiastic fan
Al Gore and Mike Pence Having Exactly the Conversation You’d Expect Them to Have at Jimmy Carter’s Funeral
Good evening sir. Would you please leave without a fuss right now?
So I Always Go For the First Pressing, You Know
Its not as great as the first one, but its still underrated
When You Finally Freed Up Funds to Seriously Invest in VOO, But the Price is Too High and You’re Feeling Bearish
Uncomforting Things in Your Comfort Shows
CNN and Their Needlessly Wordy Headlines
Which President Was the Healthiest While in Office?
According to the 50-100-500 Rule What Percentage of Small Businesses Are Always in Their “Startup Phase”?
What's the worst flipping mistake you've seen someone make?
What are the Exact Rules/Timeline of Rule Changes Behind Who Can Understand Stevie?
Is buying bulk (1000-1500) bins of DVD/Bluray worth it?
Love/hate relationship with how Vinegar Syndrome does business