anglerfish! yes i made this from wire wrapped agate, please give me some input 😊
I made these earrings made of abalone shell and brass, what do you guys think? 🥰
hummingbird pendant! yes i made it from agate wrapped in silver wire. which one do you like? 😊
completing the tree of life pendant project! made from various types of agate, which one do you like?
7 spiritual colors of chakras
7 spiritual colors of chakras! yes this is my project by making the wings from 2 materials, for the green one made from abalone shell and for the white one made from carved cow bone, which one do you like?
I made these butterfly earrings from abalone shells and brass, what do you think?
WireArt pendant! yes this is my hobby, making it from agate wrapped in wire, what do you think?
finished this! this is an octopus pendant i made from abalone shells wrapped in wire
tree of life pendant! made of wire wrapped labladorite! what do you guys think?
my WireArt pendant project this week! hope you guys like it 🥰
I tried to string trees, birds and butterflies from wire and agate
made from abalone shells wrapped in wire, which one do you like?
tree of the life pendant that i made from agate wrapped in wire, i used 2 different types of wire
this is wireArt pendant! i made it from agate wrapped in wire, please give some feedback for this
hello everyone, i just want to share my artwork, this is a sea shell that i carved by hand using a handrill, finished this for a week
WireArt project complete!
finished this a few days ago, this is a WireArt pendant I made from wire wrapped gemstones, hope you guys like it 🥰
abalone earrings! Yes it's made from abalone shell and brass. which one you guys like?
some wire wrapped pendants that i made from wire wrapped agate, what do you guys think?
finished this! WireArt pendant, made from wire wrapped agate, hope you guys like it 🥰
owl project! finished this yesterday, hope you guys like it 🥰🦉
made this from wire wrapped abalone shells